Berglund & Peterson Store
In August 1905, The Swedish Christian Methodist Church, having built a new church at 320 N. Fourth Street, sold their previous location to Edward Johnson who built a store at 807 N. Fourth Street, which took the name of the (Carl) Berglund and (Carl) Peterson Grocery Store. Mr. Johnson ran the meat market across the street at 808 N. Fourth Street. For the first half of the century, these were the local food markets for this neighborhood.[1]
Deliveries to the homes were made twice a day: at first by the grocery store itself; later by Rueben Jacobson or George Seim who, with his horse and wagon, would make the rounds of all the stores to fill orders for the housewife. Across the street from the Berglund & Peterson store, in a building since demolished, was Johnson's Meat Market.
—Donald Empson, A History of the South Half of the Carli & Schulenberg Residential Area (2001)
58 Deeds 390; the store first appears in the 1906-07 Stillwater City Directory.