Glaspie-Grace House
808 S. Second St.
In 1889, local real estate dealers John and Katherine Glaspie purchased the lots on which this house and the adjacent house at 806 South Second Street are located from the Stillwater Construction and Furnishing Company. Mr. and Mrs. Glaspie had the existing Queen Anne style house constructed circa 1890 and sold it to Frank L. and Augusta Grace in 1891.
At the same time, they sold the southern part of the lots, where the house at 806 South 2nd Street stands, to Ellen and James W. Dwyer. Mr. Grace, who according to the 1894-1895 city directory, owned F.L. Grace & Co., a jewelry store located at 220 South Main Street, lived in the house with his wife through the turn of the twentieth century.
When it was built, this one-and-a-half-story, frame cottage, with its limestone foundation, vinyl lap siding, one-over-one double-hung windows, and gable-on-hip roof with a corbelled brick chimney on the ridgeline, was mostly likely nearly identical to the house next door at 806 South 2nd Street. The second story balcony, the corbelled chimney, and the projected lower cross gable bay on the north elevation are all evocative of the original Queen Anne styling of the house. Queen Anne was popular in the United States in the late nineteenth century. This house and the one next door are an excellent example of how two nearly identical house can evolve in different ways over time.
— Research by The 106 Group for the City of Stillwater's Heirlooms Home and Landmark Sites Program