Searles House
1222 S. Fourth St.
This two-and-a-half-story, Queen Anne style house has an unusual history. The circa 1880 house was originally located near the intersection of Osgood Avenue and Highway 36 in Oak Park Heights, before it was moved to Stillwater in 1974 to save it from demolition during the expansion of Highway 36 (personal communication with Peter Hovland). When the house was moved to its current location, it was set on a concrete block foundation. Today, this frame residence has one-over-one and single-light windows, a large brick chimney centered on the roof ridge, and features a two-story projecting front gable bay and a shed roof porch on the front elevation. The house has a number of Queen Anne details, including a gable-on-hip roof, the decorative shingles in the gable, and the scroll-sawn detailing in the apex of the gables. The non-original stucco exterior has concealed other potential character-defining details, such as decorative siding. A one-and-a-half-story, front gable addition is located on the rear elevation. A one-story, shed roof porch is located on the north elevation of the addition. Both are clad in stucco and replicate the style of the main block. A one-story, front-gabled, masonite clad garage is located in the rear yard. No structures were located on this property until the existing house was moved to this site in 1974.
According to the 1976 city directory, the primary resident of the house was Oliver W. Oddan, who lived in the house throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
— Research by The 106 Group for the City of Stillwater's Heirlooms Home and Landmark Sites Program